Sunday, March 29, 2015

Ugh. It's been so long since I've used Dreamweaver.

I hardly remember how to use it. I like playing around with websites and all, but I am way out of practice.

I'm not sure why I'm bothering. I'm not quite ready to make a go of selling my stories, but sometimes it seems easier than writing. Like this weekend. The website. Searching for photos. Trying to put together visual things. It took a massive amount of concentration, which kept my mind off the work issue that's eating away at my brain. Writing wouldn't have done that for me. Not that it's easier or anything. Just requires a different kind of concentration. One that takes up the space that I allocate to worrying.

If only parents could see that their kids weren't perfect. I know mine aren't. Every child will lie. Every child will cheat. Twenty years of teaching experience and twelve years of parenting experience tell me this is true. I'm not making this up.

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Come with a Friend

Well, my little tale didn't win, but my good friend's did. The Grimm Reaper by AMoveableBeast. It's a pretty horrific tale about a serial killer that carves fairy tales into his victims' skin. It's pretty gruesome, but the killer gets his in the end, Grimm-style.I'm glad I read this one in the daylight. That was horrifying. Excellent, as AMB's tales always are. The way he winds his words together makes his stories delicious, even when the ingredients are rotten.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

TS/CD is a nice category.

Come with a Friend posted on Friday, and I'm pretty pleased with the result. The Transsexuals/Crossdressers category seems pretty nice. The feedback has been good, and I got 119 votes in 48 hours. That's much better than usual for me. The score isn't high enough to hope for a win (4.58), but I think I just might try to do a sequel to this one. Strike while the iron is hot, you know? We'll see how it goes.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

April Fool!

I finally submitted my April Fools' contest story, Come with a Friend. Now I wait in limbo for it to appear for all to see.

I'll wait patientlee, I guess.